The Blossom Jar
The Blossom Jar by Emily Isaacson
50 pages Paperback
This chapbook tells the story in verse of Nancy Green, a homeless woman standing in the street. She asked to tell her story.
Praise for . . .
I found The Blossom Jar very moving. I liked the premise of the work (and was very touched that Shoalwan had inspired you) and your linking this theme with a particular story of homelessness. Using the whole year of seasonal cycles was a great idea, so taking a whole year was necessary for the creation of your project.
--Lyndal Osborne, artist
The Blossom Jar touches on the fact that even though others may live differently than us; all behaviour makes sense, although we may not condone or understand it. Acceptance and compassion go a long way to understanding someone's story.
--Lexi Richards, director of Community Kitchens in Mission, B.C.
Powerful and deeply beautiful--we need to hear and embrace these wounds and this healing!
--Brian Headley, director of Listening Prayer Community in Mission, B.C.